From today onwards, Windows Insider beta testers can now enjoy all 64-bit app emulations on Windows 10 on every ARM-based device including the Surface Pro X. This new compatibility of the ARM-based laptops & PCs can open up both traditional 32-bit x86 apps as well as all the modern 64-bit x64 apps. Initially when the ARM was launched back in 2017, the majority of apps which were based on the 32-bit and x86 operating system were the only ones which were supported.
However, as the ecosystem expanded, Windows apps included 64-bit and x64 apps as well. These are the types of apps which were highly favoured among developers.
In one of the occasions, Microsoft stated,
“With developers increasingly supporting ARM64 apps natively, emulating x64 apps is an important step in our journey with Windows 10 on ARM. That’s why we are working on expanding the capability of our emulation to include x64 applications and sharing this first preview to gather feedback,”
It indicates that individuals who own ARM based devices such as the Lenovo Flex 5G, Samsung Galaxy Book S and Surface Pro X, the app compatibility issues which appeared as hindrance in these devices appeared at the time of the launch will no longer become a problem. As the apps are becoming compatible, it allows users to run software such as Autodesk and Rocket League on the new Surface Pro X. These both apps are 64-bit and fall in the x64 category. So if these two apps are working on the Surface Pro X, then it’s pretty evident that all the other apps of the x64 category are also compatible with the Windows 10. For now, the apps are tested in the Insider program only.
With the following emulation, many other apps such as Google Chrome have greatly improved. As the new update rolls out, more 64-bit and x64 apps will eventually benefit from it in the long run.
For now, the emulation exists in a preview format and is only available for beta testers.
So we can’t say for sure because there are bugs, which is why Microsoft is seeking feedback. It’s why the app is currently launched in the Insider beta tester mode at the moment.
Do you wish to become a beta tester for running these applications on your Microsoft Windows? Just follow the instructions as debriefed on Microsoft Insider Program. The process is pretty self-explanatory and simple. You will have to register an ARM based device which supports the new Qualcomm Adreno drivers. Microsoft also makes suggestions for installing the ARM 64 C++ redistributable. Have you registered for Microsoft’s Insider Program? Let us know in the comment.